B-ME Cell Lead – Brits

North West, Full Time Deadline: Not specified

Job Purpose
The incumbent will be responsible for the performance of machines and the status of implementation of Daily Management Systems (DMS) in the supervised production cell.

Responsible for training on the Daily Management System (DMS) in the production cell.
Lead Team in order to achieve the assumed goals of the cell resulting from the CBN (Compelling Business Need), Master Plan and Annual Department Plan.
Responsible for the effective implementation of Incident Elimination – IE, Defects Handling – DH and activities related to cleaning, inspection and lubrication of machines (Clean, Inspect ’ Lubricate – CIL).

Manages the cleaning inspection and lubrication (CIL) process

He implements the CIL process on machines and is responsible for its continuous improvement and development
Trains operators in CIL activities
Supervises the training of operators in the activities covered by the CIL process Create, verify and update new parameters to minimize losses
Performing a DMS (Health Check) implementation check in terms of CL, identifies opportunities to improve the process and implements corrective actions

Defects Defect Removal Process Management (DH)

Owns the DH process in the managed cell In cooperation with the Maintenance Lead
Prioritizes and plans the removal of identified defects

OSH incident elimination process (IE)

Responsible for the implementation of the Safety Trigger system to identify the causes of potential accidents and eliminate them
Implements a system of observation of behaviors affecting work safety (Behavioral Observation System – BOS)
In cooperation with other Cell Leads from the department and the OHS section, he develops the IE process tools
Participates in the risk assessment process at workplaces
Monitors activities related to the implementation of 3M changes in the cell

Elimination of losses.

Create a 90-day plan for a cell
Coordination of Loss Analysis

Conduct DDS (daily direction settings) meetings to define priorities, tasks and report results for the last 24 hours. During the meeting, he takes care before presenting information to the team about:

Implementation of CIL
Number of defects found and removed
Execution of the production plan

Implementation of the B-ME project

Responsible for the implementation of the training in the managed Cell, including directing operators to training, setting a development plan and annual goals, assessing the progress of training, organizes work as part of a team, approves leaves, overtime, organizes replacements. manages multiskilling in the managed structure