Regional Quality Assurance Manager – Phoenix

KwaZulu-Natal, Full Time Deadline: Aug 8, 2023

Job Description

To serve as a custodian of Quality and Food safety management system and the environmental management system. This involves leading the processes of ensuring that region maintains compliance to an effective quality management system, all regulatory and internal requirements, particularly as related to quality, and the environment. This is done by developing and implementing a Quality and Environmental strategy and related plan in at the various sites across the organisation.

Key Duties ’ Responsibilities
Quality and Environment Strategy deployment

Compile and maintain strategic roadmaps to improve the overall Q’E maturity across the region.
Provide input into the strategic direction for CCBSA, support and guidance on all aspects related to quality, and the environment and implement the strategy within the region.
Develop a 2-to-5-year Quality ’ Environment Plan and ensure implementation in line with business requirements.
Analysing international and regional trends in the Q’E domains to identify the innovations, best practices, and solutions that CCBSA should adopt.

Operational Management

Provide oversight to ensure that all Q’E processes and systems are fully implemented and executed.
Ensure the constant testing, reliability, tracking, and monitoring of the results and effectiveness of all routines and solutions and oversee the preparation of information and analytics related to Q’E
Ensures the implementation and reliability of analytical, microbiological and sensory evaluation measures for the control of raw materials, and final product.

Compliance and Governance

Drive and monitor compliance to Q’E internal standards, legal and regulatory requirements and develop solutions and corrective action.
Actively engage the business where serious non-conformances relative to Q’E occur and drive the implementation and achievement of appropriate and sustainable outcomes.
Ensuring operations compliance to Q’E requirements and standards.
Ensures adherence to standards with good governance to manage systems and product quality concessions, permits and deviation and subsequent problem solving and loop closure.

Monitoring trends and Relationship Management

Continuously researching and learning about the current thinking on Q’E in the bottling industry specifically.
Monitoring Quality and Food Safety trends and mandate interventions to reduce and eliminate common trends in region.
Create a community of practice and introduce new Q’E management ideas and programmes into the region and keeping stakeholders abreast with current thinking and legislation.
Representing CCBSA at regional Quality, and Environmental Councils; act as a liaison with TCCC African Operating Unit and maintain a network of peers in order to meet business requirements related to Q’E.

Capability Building and Continuous Improvement

Providing guidance and assistance to in the Region on the Q’E pillars of supply chain manufacturing ways and ensuring that the maturity assessments are aligned with the Q’E strategic direction.
Estimating the number and the type of resources required to deliver on the execution plans and roadmaps by creating workforce plans for Q’E in region.
Determining the optimal resourcing strategy for each position by considering outsourcing options, potential vendors and suppliers and collaboration opportunities with other teams in CCBSA.

Q’E systems and plan implementation

Ensuring effective incident management crisis resolution (IMCR) for Q’E and consumer response programme, acting as programme owner and driving closure of incident through support and guidance.

Q’E performance monitoring

Monitoring environmental key performance indicators (KPIs), as well as compliance to water requirements and drive programs to improve KPIs in order to meet business objectives.
Creating future scenarios and identifying the target metrics that the region must achieve with regards to Q’E programmes in CCBSA.

Skills, Experience ’ Education

The minimum qualification is a bachelor’s degree in Food Science, Microbiology, Engineering.
A Master of Science Degree in Food Science would be an advantage or equivalent with a business qualification.
A minimum of 10 to 12 years’ experience in a manufacturing or production environment with at least 5 – 6 years focussed on working in all SHEQ domains at a mid-management level.
SHEQ experience at varying degrees of maturity and proven track record of capability building and coaching.
Demonstrated experience across the value chain from raw materials receipt to distribution and trade management.
Proven experience in management of an integrated Quality Management system encompassing legal, safety, environmental, HACCP, trade metrology systems
Knowledge, understanding and experience in the metrics utilized in determining manufacturing costs and cost drivers.
Knowledge of world class benchmark standards and metrics.


Be able to bring own views across clearly without damaging the relationship with the other party. Choose an appropriate stand in order to meet targets and best practice and encourage team members to be more productive.

Analytical thinking

To analyse the relationships between events, circumstances and forces beyond the obvious and draws insightful conclusions, at a micro and macro level. Demonstrate the understanding of the inter-relationships between systems and processes and consolidate information into a coherent whole.

Business Acumen

Knows how businesses work; knowledgeable in current and possible future policies, practices, trends, and information affecting his/her business and organization; knows the competition; is aware of how strategies and tactics work in the marketplace.

Customer orientation

Be dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers; acts with customers in mind; establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect.

Conflict Management

Steps up to conflicts, seeing them as opportunities; reads situations quickly; good at focused listening; can hammer out tough agreements and settle disputes equitably; can find common ground and get cooperation with minimum noise.

Directing Others

Is good at establishing clear directions; sets stretching objectives; distributes the workload appropriately; lays out work in a well-planned and organized manner; maintains two-way dialogue with others on work and results; brings out the best in people; is a clear communicator.

Good Communication:

The ability to express oneself clearly in conversations and interactions with others and tailors the content of speech to the level and experience of the audience.

Problem Solving:

Use rigorous logic and methods to solve difficult problems with effective solutions; probes all fruitful sources for answers; can see hidden problems; is excellent at honest analysis; looks beyond the obvious and doesn’t stop at the first answers.

Strategic Agility:

Sees ahead clearly; can anticipate future consequences and trends accurately; has broad knowledge and perspective; is future oriented; can articulately paint credible pictures and visions of possibilities and likelihoods; can create competitive and breakthrough strategies and plans.

